What is the difference between a create scope and query scope? - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Help

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The create scope is the one configuration in which you can create data and modify objects and is selected from the list of query configurations.

The query scope is a set of plants or project configurations that you can define in which you want to search and query for items. When you select a query scope, it is used for all data queries and determines what data and objects you can see. The query scope displays how many plants or projects you have selected to query.

  • You can select multiple plants or projects as your query scope. The results are displayed on tabs in alphabetical order corresponding to each selected plant or project.

  • When you query a project that exists under a plant, the query returns objects found in both the project and the plant. For example, if you set your query scope as Project 2 of PlantA, then your query returns objects that exist in both Project 2 and PlantA.