Add dynamic stamps with token values to a markup layer - HxGN SDx - Update 64 - Help

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SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

Dynamic stamps can contain text strings or available token values. To add one:

  1. Create a new markup layer or open an existing markup layer for edit using the Markup Layers Manager panel.

  2. Select Stamp Annotations from the toolbar:

  3. Select Stamps stamp from the Stamp Annotations toolbar.

  4. Select a dynamic stamp from the Stamps panel, and click anywhere in the file to place it.

    SHARED Tip The markup file is automatically saved.

The available tokens and their descriptions are listed in the table below.




The time the print was spooled based on a 12-hour clock (AM/PM). If the tags are viewed on screen, the date on which the screen was last refreshed displays.

Time is based on the browser locale.


The time the print was spooled based on a 24-hour clock.

MilTime is based on the browser locale.


The name of the file.

%TotalPages or %Pages

The total number of pages.


The current page number.


The location.hostname of the server url hosting the site.


The date generated by a specified number of days past the system date. Replace n with the desired number of days. Negative numbers are acceptable. Make sure you close the parenthesis when adding the number of days.


Indicates the starting page number and the number of digits to use. Replace n with the desired format and starting page number. For example, %BatesPgNo(0002) would place 0002 on the first page, 0003 on the next page, and so on. Make sure you close the parenthesis when adding the page number.


The date the print was spooled. If the tags are viewed on screen, the time at which the screen was last refreshed displays.

Date is based on the browser locale.


The login name of the user who is currently logged on.


The user name of the user who is currently logged on.


Adds text strings entered by the user.