Measurements - HxGN SDx - 10 - Help - Hexagon

HxGN SDx Connector for TruView User Help

HxGN SDx Connectors
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This functionality was modified in an update. For more information, see Measurements (modified in an update).

You can measure the co-ordinates of any point, distance between any two points, and angle among three points on the laser scan image. The current measurements are displayed in a dialog box.

By default, the dialog box displays the measurements in Meters (UoM). However, you can convert the measurements to any different UoM by selecting an UoM from the drop-down list in the dialog box.

Measurement types

Linear Measurement

  1. Click Linear measurement to measure the distance between any two points on the laser scan image.

  2. Click any point on the laser scan image and click a second point to display the distance between the points (total distance and distance on each axis) in a dialog box.

Angular Measurement

  1. Click Angular measurement to measure the angle among any three points on the laser scan image.

  2. Click any point on the laser scan image and click a second and third point to display the angle among the three points in a dialog box.

Point Measurement

  • Click Display co-ordinates , and then click any point on the laser scan image to view the co-ordinates of the selected point in a dialog box.

The selected measurement type is displayed in grey.

Measurement Properties




Meters, Centimeters, Millimeters, Feet, Inches, Yards, US Survey Feet, US Survey Inches


Number of selected points


Co-ordinate of the selected point.


Co-ordinate of the selected point.


Co-ordinate of the selected point.


Distance between two selected points is displayed.

Delta X

Distance along the x direction between two points.

Delta Y

Distance along the y direction between two points.

Delta Z

Distance along the z direction between two points.


Angle among three selected points is displayed