Get expansion information - HxGN SDx - Update 63 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

HxGN SDx API Services Configuration

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

You can retrieve an object's expansion information using an OData function named GetNavigationOptions. This function allows easy navigation between objects in a client application and returns the relevant relationship definitions, edge definitions, expansion paths, and counts.

The GetNavigationOptions function is located at:

. . /api/v2/SDA/GetNavigationOptions

You can access the GetNavigationOptions function using the following example POST request:

"StartingObjectOBID": "11S004A",

"RelLookAhead": true,

"EdgeLookAhead": true


This POST uses the following arguments:




Specifies the starting object using the OBID to get the navigation options.


Set to true to get a count of the expanded relationship definitions, and filter out the relationship expansions that have a zero count. If set to false, the relationships definitions are not filtered and any with null counts also appear in the response.


Set to true to get a count of the edge definitions expanded, and filter out the edge expansions that have a zero count. If set to false, the edge definitions are not filtered and any with null counts also appear in the response.

  • If you omit the RelLookAhead and EdgeLookAhead arguments, the default values are used, which are true for RelLookAhead and false for EdgeLookAhead.

  • If the StartingObjectOBID belongs to a complex object, the navigation options for all included objects are returned. For example, for a document the navigation options include the document master, revision, and version.

The POST returns the results as a NavigationOption collection located at:

. . /api/v2/$metadata#Intergraph.SDX.Server.API.Model.NavigationOption

Multiple expansions

When the POST response contains information about multiple expansions, each expansion returns the following properties:




An OData link that can be used in a GET to navigate to the relationship or edge definitions expanded from the source object to return the results.


The UID of the edge or relationship definition that may be expanded from the source object.


The display name of the edge or relationship definition.


The path of the relationship definition, including the expansion direction.


The interface definition which can expand the navigation. This must be one of the interface definitions of the starting object specified as the StartingObjectOBID.


The interface definition at the end of the expansion direction. This is either the interface definition at end 1 or end 2 on the relationship definition at the end of the path.


Null, or an integer value when the RelLookAhead or EdgeLookAhead arguments are set to true in the request.