Configuration - HxGN SDx - Update 63 - Administration & Configuration - Hexagon

HxGN SDx API Services Configuration

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Administration & Configuration
SmartPlant Foundation / SDx Version

The following are examples of configuration headers. You must supply the configuration UID in the request header of all GET or POST operations. For example:

SPFConfigUID: PL_PlantA

If this request header is not supplied or is invalid, the operation defaults to the user’s create and query configuration.

You can also supply the request header, SPFQuerySelectedConfigOnly to a GET or POST operation. This optional request header limits queries to a specific configuration UID. Any Boolean value can be supplied, such as True or False. For example:

SPFQuerySelectedConfigOnly: true

If this header is not supplied or is invalid, the operation defaults to the higher configuration level items.

Explicit request headers

Two explicit request headers are supported to set the UID configuration. For example:

SPFCreateConfigUID: PL_PlantA

SPFQueryConfigUID: PL_PlantB

If the explicit request headers are not supplied, the operation defaults to the user’s create and query configuration.

  • You must supply exactly the same values for the explicit request headers when used in conjunction with the SPFConfigUID. Otherwise a configuration mismatch error occurs.

  • The SPFQuerySelectedConfigOnly header can be used without any other configuration headers. However, if no other configuration headers are supplied, the users default configurations are used.

  • You can only use one create or query configuration at a time. The query configuration header values must be a single configuration UID.

  • The query and create configuration headers do not require matching values.