Status changes - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Workspaces

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HxGN EAM Version

The user can select from the following to identify the system status of a workspace moves record: O-Open, A-Approved, C-Completed, CA-Cancelled. The system status allows the user to incorporate user defined status codes to further define a workspace moves record for an organization. For example, there may be different user defined status codes of Completed and Pending Inspection but share the same System Status code of C-Completed.

If the user changes Status, the system does the following:

From Status

To Status

System Response



The system will only allow you to move to other Completed statuses and no special checks are performed.



The system will only allow you to move to other Cancelled statuses and no special checks are performed.

Open, Approved


  1. Not perform any special checks.

  2. Protects Associations tab.

Open, Approved

Open, Approved

  1. Save the changes on the header.

  2. Refresh the Associations tab if needed.

  3. If Associations tab is changed, then set the header status back to its original value and give an alternate message:

    • Warning Message: "Changes to associated Employees, Furnishings and/or Equipment have been made for the Workspace Move."

  4. If Associations tab is not changed, then give standard success message.

Open, Approved


  1. Save the changes on the header.

  2. Refresh the Associations tab if needed.

  3. If Associations tab is changed, then set the header status back to its original value and give an alternate message:

    • Warning Message: "Changes to associated Employees, Furnishings and/or Equipment have been made for the Workspace Move."

  4. If Associations tab is not changed,

    • Moves the selected Associations and give standard success message.

    • Deletes the association between the selected Employees, Furnishings and Equipment and the From Workspace.

    • Protects Associations tab