The AddWorkOrder sample application demonstrates how to generate proxy classes from a WSDL, how to use the generated classes to call the web service, and how to read the results of the call. The web service used in the sample is AddWorkOrder (Function #MP0023). This web service is described in the MP0023_AddWorkOrder_001.wsdl file.
The AddWorkOrder application in its finished form, with source code, is included in the WS Toolkit. The following sections describe how to create that sample from scratch. Alternatively, the existing AddWorkOrder sample may be opened directly in Eclipse. It should compile successfully once the library paths are adjusted for the local environment (Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries).
The JAX-WS library is used to generate the proxy classes and to perform some runtime tasks. Since JAX-WS is integrated into Java 7, this approach minimizes eternal dependencies.
The Apache CXF application, which typically uses JAX-WS to do much of the work, may be used in place of direct reliance on JAX-WS; however, this approach is not discussed here.