Properties - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

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Customization & Programming
HxGN EAM Version
  • AllowCellSelection - Determines whether the individual cells in the DataGrid get focus.

  • AutoApplyDataspyOnChanged - Determines whether the Dataspy should be loaded as soon as it is selected in the ComboBox.

  • AutoLoadMoreData - Determines whether more data, if available, is loaded automatically once the DataGrid has been scrolled to the bottom.

  • AutosizeComboDropDownWidth - Determines whether the dropdown portion is sized to display the widest item.

  • DataspyApplyButton - Gets or sets the Button control that will apply the selected Dataspy.

  • DataspyComboBox - Gets or sets the ComboBox control that will display the available Dataspys.

  • DateFormat - Gets or sets the format for the Date returned from a lookup.

  • DateTimeFormat - Gets or sets the format for the DateTime returned from a lookup.

  • FilterApplyButton - Gets or sets the Button control that will apply the specified filter.

  • FilterFieldsComboBox - Gets or sets the ComboBox control that will display the available fields to filter on.

  • FilterValueInputBox - Gets or sets the TextBox control that will contain the value with which to filter.

  • FunctionName - Gets or sets the name of the Function to call for the specified GridName.

  • GridControl - Gets or sets the DataGrid control that will display the Grid results.

  • GridControlSelectionBackColor - Gets or sets the background color of any selected cells or rows.

  • GridControlSelectionForeColor - Get or sets the color of the text in any selected cells or rows.

  • GridData - Gets the object that contains the data loaded by the component

  • GridName - Gets or sets the name of the Grid web service to call.

  • GridType - Gets or sets the type of grid request to make.

  • HandleTriggeredException - Determines how to respond to exceptions thrown by events triggered by associated controls.

  • InitialDataspyId - Gets or sets the Id number of the initial Dataspy to use for the current GridName.

  • LoadMoreButton - Gets or sets the Button control that will attempt to load more data from cache.

  • LocalizeResults - Determines whether the returned data is localized.

  • LookupButton - Gets or sets the Button control that will provide the appropriate lookup for the selected filter.

  • Parameters - Gets or sets the GridParameterList of parameters used by a grid request.

  • OperatorComboBox - Gets or sets the ComboBox control that will display the operators associated with each filter field.

  • RowsPerPage - Gets or sets the number of rows to return per request.

  • SelectRowOnCellClick - Determines whether the entire row is selected when clicking on any cell.

  • Session - Gets or sets the instance of the Session class used to make the grid requests.

  • ToggleButtonsEnabledState - Determines whether the Enabled property of buttons should be toggled based on the currently selected values.

  • ToggleButtonsVisibleState - Determines whether the Visible property of buttons should be toggled based on the currently selected values.

  • UseEwsTableStyle - Determines whether to generate and use the standard EWS table style.

  • WebServiceTimeout - Gets or sets the time, in milliseconds, to wait for a synchronous web service to complete.