Methods - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

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All the methods return a GridData object with the results of the web service call.

  • FetchAllRecords - Performs a FetchDataWithHeader and then loops while HasMoreRows until all the records have been retrieved.

  • FetchData(gridData, filterField, filterOp, filterValue) - Calls MP0116 grid web service with the supplied filter.

  • FetchData(gridData, filterItems()) - Calls MP0116 grid web service with the supplied filter list. This is an abstract (MustOverride) method.

  • FetchDataWithHeader - Calls the MP0118 grid web service.

  • FetchDataWithHeader(dataspyId) - Calls MP0118 grid web service with the specified Dataspy.

  • FetchDataWithHeader(dataspyId, filterItems()) - Calls MP0118 grid web service with the specified Dataspy and filter list.

  • FetchDataWithHeader(filterItems()) - Calls MP0118 grid web service with the specified filter list.

  • FetchDataWithHeader(filterField, filterOp, filterValue) - Calls MP0118 grid web service with the specified filter.

  • FetchMoreData(gridData) - Calls MP0117 grid web service for more cached data. This is an abstract (MustOverride) method.

  • GetTotalRowCount() - Calls MP0116 grid web service to get the total potential rows for the Session defined grid.

  • GetTotalRowCount(dataspyId) - Calls MP0116 grid web service to get the total potential rows for the Session defined grid with the specified Dataspy.

  • GetTotalRowCount(gridData) - Calls MP0116 grid web service to get the total potential rows for the Session defined grid with the dataspy and filter list specified in the specified gridData.

  • GetTotalRowCount(dataspyId, filterItems) - Calls MP0116 grid web service to get the total potential rows for the Session defined grid with the specified Dataspy and Filter Items.