Function Request naming convention - HxGN EAM - Version 12.0 - Customization & Programming - Hexagon

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A function request is named in the format of <function number>_<function name>_<version number>.

  • Function Number - A function number is centrally managed and assigned to a function request definition. It is represented using a 4-digit number prefixed by "MP".

  • Function Name - A function name should closely describe the purpose of the function request. Typically, it is in the form of <Verb><Noun>. It is case sensitive, with the first letter of a word in upper case. At this stage, all verbs should be in the scope defined by OAGIS VERB type in the of namespace.

  • Version Number - Version number is used for differentiating multiple versions of the same function co-existing in a deployment. The number is centrally managed. A version number should only be upgraded when there is a new version of the function definition or handling that needs to co-exist with the existing ones after a release.

Below is an example of a function request name:
