Using Update (Sync) and Delete Web Services - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Web Service Prompts

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

When a prompt contains update and/or delete web services all visible fields in the prompt definition do not display when the prompt screen is opened. Only the ‘key fields’ (field type) and controlling organization fields are initially displayed.

Unlike inserting new records (‘add’ web services) when the user enters all data necessary to create the new record, updating existing records requires the user to identify the record prior to updating. The system must first query the record and display relevant information to the user prior to the user updating the record.

The following describes the user experience for ‘update’ web services prompts:

  1. The user opens the update web service prompt.

  2. The system will display key fields and controlling organization fields only.

  3. The user will provide the key field and controlling organization information.

  4. Once the user has provided all key field and controlling organization information and tabs out (or saves), the system will use the key field information to retrieve and display the record using the Query Web Service (‘GET’ web service) identified on the key field record of the prompt definition. All fields selected on the prompt definition, except ‘hidden’ ones, will be displayed. Record data will be populated into these prompts.

  5. The system will ‘protect’ the key field and controlling organization field prompts (key fields and controlling org. cannot be updated).

    1. The user may update any of the prompt field data, except ‘protected’ fields, prior to saving the transaction.

    2. User saves the transaction to have the system perform the update.

    3. A success message should be displayed.

The following describes the user experience for ‘delete’ web services prompts:

  1. The user opens a delete web service prompt.

  2. The system will display key fields and controlling organization fields only.

  3. The user will provide the key field and controlling organization field information.

  4. Once the user enters all the information and tabs out (or saves), the system will delete the record identified by the key field and controlling organization information provided.

  5. A success message should be displayed.

  6. The system will clear the key field and controlling org. information.