SG-11483 Failure Mode Control Strategy Setup - description is set to 255 characters - translation tab description has 80 characters - HxGN EAM - - Release Notes/Bulletin - Hexagon

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This Failure Mode Control Strategy Setup screen gives to possibility to enter a description of 255 characters.

The translation tab of that same screen, only gives the possibility of a length of 80 characters. There are no error messages, but when a translation is entered and customer would like to translate a 255 characters description into another description of 255, then this is not possible. The maximum length is 80.

Remark : it seems that for most screens, the description field in the recordview is set to 80. So maybe the description field length for this screen should be reduced to 80 ?

*Actual results*

Description field is set to 255, translated field can only contain 80 characters

*Expected results*

Description field of Failure Mode Control Strategy Setup screen should be set to 80 characters maximum

*Steps to reproduce*

1. Open the Failure Mode Control Strategy Setup (might be necessary to add it to the user group)

2. Add a record

3. Add a description of more than 80 characters.

4. Open Translation tab (might be necessary to set permission for the used group in screen permission under user group)

5. Add a translation : cannot add more than 80 characters