SG-11721 Work Orders - In update mode, when a task with tools is added in record view, tool records are not copied to Schedule Tools ( COPYTOOL=S ) - HxGN EAM - - Release Notes/Bulletin - Hexagon

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Organization option COPYTOOL=S

When a work order is inserted with a task with tools, tool records are copied to Schedule Tools

But when the task is added after the WO was inserted, they are not added to Schedule Tools

(With COPYTOOL=P, the tools would get added to Plan Tools when task added in insert or update mode. )

Organization option COPYTOOL=S

1. Tasks - create a task

2. Tasks | Tools - add a Tool record.

3. Work Orders - in record view add required fields and populate the Task details with the task code created in step 1. Save. Verify the tool got added in Work Orders | Schedule Tools.

4. Work Orders - in record view add required fields, do not populate the Task details. Save.

5. Work Orders - populate the Task details. with the task code created in step 1. Save. Verify the tool did not get added in Work Orders | Schedule Tools.

Current behavior - Tool does not get added in Work Orders | Schedule Tools.

Expected behavior - Tool does get added in Work Orders | Schedule Tools.