There are multiple ways to access and browse the EAM documentation as it becomes available. Documentation can be accessed internally within the EAM application, and externally on our public documentation site. A small subset of documentation is available in the Downloads section of Smart Community. This type of documentation cannot be made public on our site because of sensitive information.
Accessing documentation on the public site
Documentation is available on the Hexagon Documentation site at This URL directs you to the EAM Landing page for EAM documentation.
This site replaces the documentation iso. For reference materials like the HxGN EAM Technical Reference document, you need Smart Community log-in permissions to access and download. See the section below on accessing documentation in Smart Community.
Accessing documentation within the EAM application
Context-sensitive help is also available within the EAM application for each page. When you click the Help icon on a screen, you will be linked to the correct EAM Help page. You no longer need to browse to the topics of interest.
The HxGN EAM Release Notes and HxGN EAM Product Family Software Requirements (hardware/software) documents are accessible on the About system pop-up in the EAM application. Viewing these two documents is controlled by the ABOUTURL install parameter. For the value of this parameter, the URL path for the EAM Help on the Hexagon Documentation site should be used. See the description of the install parameter in the Base parameters topic, or contact your system administrator for more information.
Accessing documentation in Smart Community
A small subset of documents like the HxGN EAM Technical Reference and grid.xml documents are not published online for security reasons. You may access and download that documentation from Smart Community. See the instructions in the HxGN EAM Technical Reference topic for information on how to access and download the documentation.
Here is a list of documents published in Smart Community for downloading:
HxGN EAM Technical Reference
Grid Definitions for EAM (grid.xml)
HxGN EAM Inbound BOD Mapping
HxGN EAM Outbound BOD Mapping
HxGN EAM Swagger Entity Reference