Parts tab - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon


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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

Parts tab is used to manage the part lines on the request for quotation. When the selected request for quotation has a status of Sent to Supplier, the list of parts is inserted on to each quotation created following the rules associated with the selected RFQ Print Option. The Parts tab has three specialized links:

  • Select Parts - Multi-select part popup.

  • Retrieve WO Parts - Multi-select WO part popup. The parts listed in the popup are associated with work orders that match the WO selection criteria populated on the RFQ main screen.

  • View Purchase Qty. - Popup displaying the purchase qty. for each supplier listed on the Suppliers tab if a quotation was to be created for the current Requested Qty. The Requested Qty. is given in terms of units of measure (UOM) whereas Purchase Qty. is given in terms of units of purchase (UOP).

The Select Parts popup requires the user to specify the Requested Qty. and Due Date for each selected part. If Requested Qty. and Due Date in the details section of the screen have values before the popup is opened, the values are populated for all the parts in the popup.