What if the same condition-tracked parts need to be tracked as cores as well? The answer is HxGN EAM can handle a part if it is condition tracked, core tracked, or both.
Beginning in v11 of HxGN EAM the idea of ‘repairable spare’ parts have been expanded to allow parts to be tracked as cores without necessarily repairing these parts. See HxGN EAM v11 Product Release Notes for more details. For this paper, the Repairable Spare check box on the Part record has been renamed to Track Cores. Existing repairable spare functionality is unchanged, however. Core tracked parts are identified as repairable parts by filling out the Repair Details tab for the Part. If these details are left blank the part is simply tracked as a core (i.e., it has a core value) but will not be available for repair in the system.
It is natural for these two concepts to work together. Motors, for example, are expensive parts and sometimes used in critical processes. Therefore, these items might be tracked by condition to get a better idea of long-term capital requirements for replacement (some regulated industries are forced to track parts used in critical process by condition as well). In addition, because of their expense these parts might often be repaired as opposed to being replaced.
Creating this type of part is done by checking the Track by Condition and Track Cores check boxes in insert mode. Once the condition tracked part (and child parts) is created, place parts in stock as detailed elsewhere in this document. Repair Details cannot be completed for condition tracked parts from the parent part as is done for other tabular part setup information. Repair Details must be completed for each child condition part (i.e., Repair Details is protected while a parent part is selected) by first selecting the child part in list view then clicking the Repair Details tab. Repair Details should be completed for each relevant child part in this same fashion.
From here the core tracked (i.e., repairable spare) processes you have known are the same as they have always been.
Note the following regarding condition tracked core parts:
When returning condition tracked core parts to stock (via return transaction) it is recommended that you set the Return Condition equal to the condition in which the part was issued (unless your specific business rules prevent returning a part in the same condition as issued) and flag the return as a Core Return (See the section "Using condition tracked parts in HxGN EAM" for details). Once the part is repaired and is being received back into store a decision can be made as to the condition in which it is being received via the Repair Condition field. See screenshot below.
As mentioned in the previous point above, condition tracked core parts can be received back into stock in a condition that differs from the condition in which the part was assigned to the internal repair WO or the external repair requisition. Only condition tracked core parts can be received in a different condition than ordered. Any condition tracked parts ordered using a line type that <> External Repair cannot have their condition changed at receipt time.