Emails tab - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Notebook

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The Emails tab on the Notebook screen will be used to share the details entered on the record view. However, before the emails can be sent, proper setup must be done.

On the Email Templates screen, the Notebook E-mails check box (hidden by default) indicates that the template is created, for sending emails of notebook records.

On the E-mail Notification Setup screen, the user must select the R5MOBILENOTEBOOKS table, which will have the include URL check box enabled when selected. This is for sending a link of the notebook record, as part of the email. Selecting this table will also show all e-mail templates, with or without the above check box checked. If the user wants to automatically create triggers after inserting records into this tab, the user must select E-mail Templates with the Notebook E-mails check box checked.

The user can use any parameter from 2-15 here to map to the email address column for this table and mark the table for Insert/Update/Delete. (parameter 1 has been mapped to mnb_mnecode as part of the trigger, automatically), so preferably, parameter 2 can be mapped to the email address column as shown below.

Note that the Recipients field on the E-mail Template screen must match with the parameter specified on the email address column for the notebook table on the E-mail Notification Setup screen. In this case, parameter #2 mapped to the email address column on the E-mail Notification Setup screen and is specified as recipient on the E-mail Templates screen.

It is possible to setup two templates with two notifications. In normal practice, this will make these notifications mutually exclusive using conditions. However, it is possible that one record inserted on the Emails tab can generate two or more emails. In this scenario, the Sent field on the Emails tab of will show a value for the last template created.

Standard email functionality applies from here on. The MAIL job must be active and a valid value for the SMTPSERV install parameter must exist, for the emails to be sent.

On the Emails tab of the Notebook screen, the email address will populate, by entering the employee, or just a standalone email address. The employee lookup will only show employees with an email address.