MOBGEXT - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Mobile for Transit Configuring GIS Map View

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

Define the extent of the feature service defined by MOBGMAP parameter to be available by default on the mobile device by entering the longitude/latitude in decimal degrees for 2 opposing corners of the extent. Either set of opposing corners may be used and the order of the upper/lower values is not important. Use the following format: <urLONG/LAT, llLONG/LAT>, where ‘ur’ is upper right, ‘ll’ is lower left, ‘LONG’ is longitude, and ‘LAT’ is latitude. This parameter does NOT have to be populated in EAM to use the Map View screen; however, the user will need to specify the map extent to download on the device prior to initial sync.

Example: -79.76/36.09,-79.87/36.04.

The value of this parameter is displayed on the mobile device on the Map Configurations and the GIS Settings screens and therefore can be updated. If the map extent is updated on the device, it will be saved for the specific mobile user and device combination.

  • ArcMap displays the longitude number for decimal degrees prior to the latitude number while Google Maps displays latitude first. Our system follows the ArcMap standard.

  • Defining the extent is important for online and offline maps. For offline maps, this downloaded map is limited to the extent entered. For online maps, map features will be available outside the extent; however, there will be no related EAM data for those features outside of the extent.