Equipment List View - HxGN EAM - 12.1 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Mobile for Manufacture

Search by Category
Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version
  • List of Equipment downloaded

    • Fields: Equipment Code, Description, Type, Status, Organization.

    • Buttons: Create Equipment - shows the Equipment (Insert mode) panel. Create WO – Allows the user the ability to create a Work Order with the selected Equipment information pre-populated. Update Meter Reading – allows to quick entry of Meters for the selected Equipment record. This button will be hidden if the selected record does not have Meters associated.

    • Search option: Ability to search by Equipment Code, Description, Class, Category, Serial Number, Model Number, or UDFs (1-5 only). Enhanced search capabilities to allow for multiple fields searching using comma separator (Example: Equip#, Category (123AB, CAT123)).

    • User can select an Equipment by touching a record, which will open the Equipment Record View.