Signing records - HxGN EAM - 12.0 - Mobile - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Mobile User Quarter VGA

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Upon changing the status of a record that has been defined as requiring an electronic signature, the system prompts you to enter a user ID, password, and reason for the signature. The user ID and password are the same ID and password used to enter the system, and the user ID and password must match the user logged in to the mobile device. After verification of the user information, the system takes a snapshot of the record and stores it in the R5ELECARCHIVE table. If you update multiple records at one time, the system prompts you for a signature for every record.

To sign records:

  1. Open any form requiring electronic signatures for status changes.

  2. Query for the record for which to change the status. Status changes can include record insertion, deletions, etc.

  3. Change the status of the selected record, and then click Save.

  4. Specify this information:

    User ID - Specify the user ID.

    The User ID must be the current logged in user's User ID.

    Password - Specify the password associated with the user ID.

    Sign Type - Specify the reason for the electronic signature, such as review, approval, etc.

  5. Click OK.

    If you click Cancel, the system closes the form and does not record changes.

    The system does not allow changes to the record without entering an electronic signature. Further, if you enter an invalid or expired ID and password, or if you do not enter a valid certification number and type if applicable, or if you do not have status change authorization, the system records an access violation and the electronic signature will not be recorded.