Install parameters

HxGN EAM Mobile App Security

HxGN EAM Version

In the event MDM is not being utilized in a specific environment, application level features are available and supported through Installation Parameters.




Long Description


Set to NO to prevent screen capturing from within EAM mobile applications. Set to YES to enable screen capturing within EAM mobile applications.


Mobile Screen Capture is used to deny access to capture EAM mobile application screens from a mobile device.

NO - The system will deny access to use screen capture from within EAM mobile applications.

YES - The system will all screen captures from within EAM mobile applications.


Set to NO to prevent Copy and Paste with EAM mobile applications. Set to YES to allow Copy and Paste within EAM mobile applications.


Mobile Copy Paste is used to deny users access to the Copy and Paste functionality from within the EAM mobile applications.

NO - The system will prevent access to use Copy and Paste while in the EAM mobile applications.

YES - The system will allow access to use Copy and Paste while in the EAM mobile applications.


Set to NO to prevent sharing and printing from within the EAM Mobile applications. Set to YES to allow sharing and printing from within EAM mobile applications.


Mobile Share is used to prevent users from sharing from within the app by disabling options and buttons to share as well as preventing printing from taking place. 

NO - The system will prevent sharing and printing from within the EAM Mobile applications

YES - The system will allow sharing and printing from within the EAM Mobile applications


Set to YES to require a password upon returning if the user leaves the EAM mobile application. Set to NO to not require a password when returning to the application.


Mobile Require Password is used to force users to login through a quick login screen upon returning to the EAM mobile app if the user has changed focus to another application on the device.

NO - The system will not require a password when returning to the application.

YES - The system will require a password when returning to the application.

The Installation Parameter values will be ignored if MDM is used as well. Preventing photo screen capture is not supported for iOS.