Uploading translated text using HxGN EAM Upload Utility - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Language Manager

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Now that the Menu Text has been translated from English to Russian in the Comparison Language Text column, the records may be imported into HxGN EAM system tables using HxGN EAM Upload Utility.

The user does the appropriate Setup to configure the HxGN EAM Upload Utility and creates (or selects from Saved Mapping) the Upload From source file and worksheet. The Upload To should be set to Language Translation and the Column Mapping as shown above.

Install Parameter EXCELMAX will limit the number of records uploaded in a single run of the Upload Utility.

Upon completion of the upload process, HxGN EAM Upload Utility will display the number of records successfully updated as well as any errors encountered.