Investment Planning screen - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Investment Planning

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

This screen has the following important fields in the Investment Plan Details section:

  • Organization - Enter the organization for the investment plan. This must be a specific

  • Investment Plan - Enter the unique identifier for the investment plan.

  • Status - The System Codes Status Entity is INST (Investment Planning Status). The system status codes include:

    • Open - In general changes to data on all tabs are allowed. Still subject to the Planning Status, however. See later in this section.

    • Closed - Data is frozen except for Status and data on the Comments and Documents tab can also still be updated.

  • Start Date - Enter the start date of the first planning period. This will likely be the start of a calendar year, or a fiscal year and must be in the future. Note that you can initially enter a date in the past, but you will not be able to start the planning process with that date.

  • Planning Periods - The number of periods that will be planned. Any number between 1 and 99 is accepted. Note that a planning period currently always represent a period of one year.

  • Yearly Inflation % - The planning process will increase the cost of the investment options and capital planning requests every year with the entered inflation percentage, like compound interest. If set at 2 then a cost of $100, will be $100 for the first planning period, $102 for the second, $104.04 for the third, etc.

  • Allow Early Investments - If selected the system will allow early investment for options providing that any budget is available in the earlier planning periods. When determining an earlier planning period, the process will still be restricted in the number of periods to consider by the specific settings on the investment option or the capital planning request (value of Invest Early (years)). When planning with an unlimited budget, this option is not available.

  • Allow Budget Rollover - If selected the unused or leftover budget amount from a planning period is rolled forward and added to the budget of the period directly following. When planning with an unlimited budget, this option is not available.
    Note that if both Allow Early Investments and Allow Budget Rollover are selected, early investments are considered first before any budget rollover is eligible.

The Budget Details section contains information regarding the budget amounts available to the investment planning process.

  • Funding Type - There are three options available:

    • Unlimited Budget - The investment planning process will not use any budget restrictions when planning investment options for equipment and capital planning requests. This is not a typical real-life scenario obviously, but it is good to know sometimes how much it will cost to execute all included investment options for equipment and capital planning request.

    • Yearly Increase - The process will plan the investments based on a limited budget that will increase yearly with a fixed monetary amount.

    • Yearly % Increase - The process will plan the investments based on a limited budget that will increase yearly with a fixed percentage, like compound interest.

  • Starting Budget - Required entry for the first planning period unless you opted for an unlimited budget.

  • Yearly Increase % - Enter the percentage you want to use the adjust the yearly budget with. This may be negative.

  • Yearly Increase - Enter the monetary value you want to use the adjust the yearly budget with. This may be negative.

The Priority Details section contains information that decides how equipment and capital planning requests derive their plan priority. The investment planning process needs to know which equipment or capital planning request is more important than others and will use that information to allocate budget to the more important equipment or capital planning request first.

  • Include Equipment Criticality - If selected the system will use the equipment’s Criticality to determine equipment plan priority.

  • Include Equipment Risk - If selected the system will use the equipment’s Risk Priority Number to determine equipment plan priority.

  • CPR Priority Basis - The capital planning request plan priority is derived from attributes that exist on the capital planning request, just like for equipment. You can pick the Internal Rate of Return, Net Present Value, Return on Investment, or the Priority from the capital planning request to determine plan priority.

The Investment Planning screen has the following buttons:

  • Create New Revision - When you create a new revision the system copies most data, including comments, documents and the selected equipment and capital planning requests. Use a new revision if you want to verify what impact a different budget has for example without destroying the results of a previous planning run for another revision.

    Please note that this is not intended as the typical revision control you find elsewhere in the application. For example, the system does not have an approved or superseded revision, although with user defined status codes you could create status codes resembling these. The system will also let you delete a revision if you do not want it anymore. For example, you can delete revision 0, and leave later revisions 1 and 2 in the system for further analysis.

  • Start Planning - Click this button when you have included all equipment and capital planning requests that you want to plan. The system will verify if there are any issues with the request. For example, it will verify if all equipment and all capital planning requests have a plan priority assigned. If no errors are found the system will set Planning Status to Requested and will fill in the Planning Request Date with the current date and time. It will not submit the job yet, since this is a task for the Investment Planning Request Process job (INVPLREQ), but it will protect the data on this tab and on the Equipment and Capital Planning Requests tab.

  • Calculate Condition Score - Click this button after the planning job is completed, and the system will start the process that calculates the condition score of the equipment attached to this investment plan. The equipment must have an equipment ranking of type condition index attached or it will not be included. Depending on the setting of organization option INPECMAX the system will start the job synchronous if the equipment count multiplied with the number of planning periods is less than the setting of the option. Otherwise, the job will be scheduled, and the system will set Condition Calculation Status to Requested and will fill in the Condition Calculation Request Date with the current date and time. It will not submit the job yet, since this is a task for the Investment Planning Condition Score Calculation Process job (INVPLECS).

  • Reset - Click this button to reset all the fields in the Planning Details section. You can click this button at any time.

  • Launch EcoSys - Click this button to launch your EcoSys environment. Installation parameter EPCURL must be configured with the proper EcoSys URL.

  • New Scenario - Click this button to open the New Scenario popup. A scenario consists of one or more investment plans that, when activated, will become available in EcoSys. When the popup opens, it defaults the selected investment plan Description to the Scenario Name and it also adds the plan to the scenario. You can then manually add more investment plans if desired. Once you click Activate Scenario, the system will send a message to EcoSys, creating the scenario on that side. Any further analysis and processing of the scenario must then be performed in EcoSys. Installation parameter EPCURL must be configured. This parameter value is shared with the Launch EcoSys button.