API Keys can be leveraged to authenticate REST webservice calls as the associated EAM user. The steps will be the same in postman for security headers, (barring SOAP XML body security section omission). Additionally, here are steps leveraging HxGN EAM REST Webservice swagger.
Type in http://youeamapplicationserver.com/web/swagger/index.html( e.g. http://usea1lshotgunora.infor.com:7779/web/swagger/index.html).
From the menu (the left panel), select an interested rest webservice, all available actions for the selected rest webservice will display on Webservice Panel (the right panel).
Change eamhost from “http://yourcompany.com” to your EAM application server host (e.g. http://usea1lshotgunora.infor.com:7779). The Computed URL will change automatically as well.
Click the Authorize button and a popup will allow you to enter your EAM API Key value.
In the pop-up, fill in your EAM API Key value and then click the Authorize button and then click the Close button.
See the HxGN EAM Rest Web Services document for supplemental information.