Configuring the data warehouse for EAM Analytics - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Installation & Upgrade

HxGN EAM Installation Guide

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Installation & Upgrade
HxGN EAM Version

You must configure the data warehouse to supply variable data values to HxGN EAM Analytics. Once configured, the data warehouse is populated by the Data Warehouse Load (DWTL) job in HxGN EAM. The DWTL updates the data warehouse on a daily basis. By default, the job executes at 1:00 A.M. each day. The execution time of the DWTL driver can be changed by updating the value in the SCH_HOUR field of the R5SCHEDULES table, where the value of the SCH_NAME field is equal to DWTL.

We strongly recommend turning the AETL driver off, because the DWTL job will start the AETL, and as a general rule, running the AETL job every 30 minutes is too much.

After configuring the data warehouse, activate the data warehouse load process. See Activating the data warehouse load process.

  1. Launch a command prompt from the HxGN EAM database server.

  2. Connect to SQL Plus as the D7IPROD user, enter the following command, and then press ENTER. SQL Plus prompts for a date value.


  3. Enter the date of the oldest data you plan to keep in the data warehouse, and then press ENTER. SQL Plus prompts for another date value. For this example, there are no historical data records in the schema, so the date can be any date in the past. When configuring this with a large data set in a production environment with transactional history, enter the date of the oldest record that should reside in the data warehouse.

  4. Enter a date that is too old to be considered valid when used in work orders or purchase orders having the previous date you entered, and then press ENTER.

    SQL Plus executes the script, and then returns to a prompt.

  5. Verify that there are no suspect records displayed based on the date ranges supplied. If there are any suspect records, the errors must be resolved before continuing with the configuration process.

  6. Exit SQL Plus.