Web service prompt engine - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Administration > Screen Configuration > Web Service Prompts


System administrators can create user-defined screens that utilize the underlying web services on which the system is architected. The Web Service Prompt Engine displays the screen representing the prompt definition. The Web Service Prompt Engine also processes data entered for the prompt transactions through the underlying web services.

Because the Web Service Prompt Engine uses web services, the data is processed directly to the underlying tables as the transactions are submitted. Therefore, you receive immediate feedback if the transaction is successful as well as if it contains validation or web service errors. These errors can then be corrected in real time and re-submitted.

Once a web service prompt has been created, the system administrator must place the corresponding screen into the user groups menu structure. That process makes the new screen available through the menu structure, and the new screen appears like all other screens within the system. The screen name is equivalent to the prompt description. You need only query permissions for the new screen.

The following apply to screens based on web service prompts:

  • They are standalone record view screens with no tabs and no Dataspy filtering features

  • Common tabs and pop-ups (Comments, Documents, Addresses, etc.) are not available

  • Screen Designer is not available. Screen Designer toolbar button is not available

  • The only toolbar options available are Previous Screen, Save, Reset Screen, and Help

  • Right-click options are not available

  • Dataspy, Export to Excel, Quick Filter, and Save Layout options are not available

  • Custom Fields are not supported

  • The system does not automatically display the lookup defined on the selected screen for a chosen field. The system administrator must associate a Query Code or define a Retrieved Value for each lookup field.

Related topics

Using screen designer for web service prompts

Defining web service prompts

Exporting web service prompts

Defining fields for web service prompts

Displaying pages in screen designer mode

Defining web services for web service prompts

Defining queries

Entering data with the prompt machine