Fleet customers - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Set up fleet customers to use throughout the Fleet Management system. Set up billing details to determine the costs for which the customer is billed.

You can also associate cost codes with fleet customers to correctly display transaction costs on fleet bills.

Next, associate billing codes with fleet customers. By associating a specific billing code with a specific billing customer, you determine the rate for a specific billing category. Together billing codes and markup codes, when associated with specific fleet customers, determine the total rates for fleet billing categories such as usage and mileage.

Finally, view all previously generated bills, or view a specific billing cycle by entering a Period End Date. Fleet bill charges are summarized to the unique fleet customer cost code and vehicle level. Charges are displayed by these categories: Usage, Mileage, Maintenance, Non-maintenance, Fuel, Insurance, and Exceptions. The system also displays a total charge for each bill line, a subtotal, which summarizes the charges for all bill lines by category, an adjustment line, which summarizes all adjustments entered for previous bills that are included in the selected bill, grand totals of each of the charge categories, and a total bill charge. You can also select to print bills and view current charges.

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Setting up fleet customers

Associating cost codes with fleet customers

Associating billing codes with fleet customers

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