Returning parts from service requests - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Return unused parts issued to service requests back to stores.

To return parts from service requests:

  1. Select Work > Service Requests.

  2. Select the request for which to return parts, and then click the Issue Parts tab. The system automatically populates Date with the current system date and time.

  3. Click Add Part.

  4. Specify this information:

    Part - Specify the part to return. The system automatically populates the part description, UOM, and Part Org. The system selects Track By Asset and/or Track By Lot if the part is tracked by asset and/or lot and they are protected.

    If you are updating a part to return on the service request and you select a part from the Parts list, the system displays the quantity of the part planned to be used for the service request in Planned Qty. and the quantity of the part used to date for the service request in Used.

    Condition - Specify the condition if the part is a condition tracked parent part. If the selected part is a condition tracked child part, the system will automatically populate Condition. When returning a condition tracked part, the condition in which the part is being returned must be entered in the return condition field.

    Activity-Trade - Specify the activity-trade performing the work for the selected service request. The system automatically populates Available with the quantity of the part available in the selected store for the work order activity.

    Store - Specify the store to which to return parts.

    Transaction Type - Select Return.

    If you select Return as the Transaction Type for a core tracked part, the system automatically enables Core Return. You can select Core Return to indicate that the part needs repair. If Core Return is selected, the system adds the quantity of the part to return to the Core Qty. in the store to which the part is returned.

    If RTNANY is set to NO, you can only return the quantity of the part that was originally issued to that entity to the same store. When issuing a part, you issue to an entity (work order, equipment, etc.) from a store. When returning a part, you return from an entity (work order, equipment, etc.) to a store.

    Regardless of the setting of the RTNANY installation parameter, you cannot return a greater quantity of a part tracked by lot than the quantity of the part that has been used to date for the work order.

    Date - Specify the desired date of the transaction.

    Quantity - Specify the number of parts to return to the work order. The number must be greater than 0 (zero).

    If the part is tracked by asset, the Quantity must be equal to 1.

    Asset ID - Specify the asset ID if the part is tracked by asset.

    Bin - Specify the bin to which to return the parts.

    Lot - Specify the lot to which to return the parts.

    Tool Hours - If the part you are returning is identified as a tool, specify the number of hours the tool was in use.

  5. Click Submit.