Viewing and modifying multiple prices of parts (MOS) - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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View and modify multiple prices of parts as necessary.

You can change the default Price Type for a specific part in its organization and update the average, last, and standard pricing information for the part. However, you can only update Average price, Last price, and Standard price for parts if the PRICELEV installation parameter is set to P.

Any update of price information specified for the average, last, or standard price for a part is copied to the base price of the part in its organization, which is the price of the part to be used as the basis for all transactions for the part in its organization.

When updating price information, the system does not record a stock transaction for a part if there is no quantity of the part on hand in store or if the updates do not affect the base price of the part in its organization.

You can change Price Type for a part as necessary. However, if there is a quantity of the part on hand and changing the price type affects the base price of the part, the system records a MPTC stock transaction for the part. If there is no quantity of the part on hand or if changing the price type does not change the base price of the part, the system does not record a transaction for the price type change.

If there is a current quantity of the part on hand and you update the price type to last in first out (LIFO) or first in first out (FIFO), the system creates a stock record for the part in the R5FIFO table part and sets Average Price to the Base Price. The stock record includes the quantity of the part on hand and the price. If there is no quantity on hand, the system does not insert a record into the R5FIFO table.

If you change the price type from LIFO or FIFO to average, last, or standard, the system deletes the record of the part from the R5FIFO table. If any of the price fields are null, the system considers the price to be zero.

Additionally, if there is a current quantity of the part on hand and you change the price type to standard or last and then specify a Standard Price, the system records both a MPTC and CORR stock transaction.

Revaluation of price information for parts is calculated either at the time of the approval of a receipt for a part or at the time of the approval of an invoice for a part, depending on the setting of the PRICETIM installation parameter. Part revaluation is also calculated according to the PRICETYP installation parameter, which specifies whether the system prices storeroom materials based on the average, last, or standard price.

To view and modify multiple prices of parts (MOS):

  1. Select Materials > Parts.

  2. Select the part for which to view or modify prices, and then click the Prices tab.

  3. View and modify the price information as necessary.

  4. Click Submit.