Adding parts to internal repair receipts - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Add parts to internal repair receipts after creating the internal repair receipt header. Part lines on an internal receipt contain parts that have been repaired internally using work orders.

To add parts to internal repair receipts:

  1. Select Materials > Transactions > Internal Repair Receipts.

  2. Select the internal repair receipt for which to add a part, and then click the Parts tab.

  3. Click Add Part.

  4. Specify this information:

    Part - Specify the part to add to the internal repair receipt. If the part is condition tracked, the system automatically populates Condition.

    • You can add parts from the repair work order to the receipt individually, or you can retrieve all the parts from the repair work order to the receipt at once.

    • If you add or retrieve a core tracked part that is tracked by asset, the system automatically creates a line for each individual part and enters 1 as the Outstanding Qty. and Receipt Qty. for each line. You can change the Receipt Qty. to 0 and enter 1 as the Scrapped Qty. if necessary.

      Repair Condition - Specify the repair condition if the part is condition tracked.

      Repair Price - Specify the repair price of the part.

    • You can only update the Repair Price for the part if the RPPRPCCAL installation parameter is set to YES.

    • If you entered an Internal Repair Price for a part on the Repair Details page of the Parts form, the system retrieves the Repair Price from the repair details for the part. If you did not specify an Internal Repair Price, the system retrieves the Base Price of the part for the Repair Price.

    • When you return a core tracked part to a store for repair, the internal repair return does not trigger a price update like a regular return. The system does not update the inventory price until the part has been repaired or scrapped on an internal repair receipt. The system uses the Repair Price to determine what cost should be used for the cost update. For example, if a LIFO part was originally issued at 10 USD, the part was returned for repair and repaired on a work order, and then the part was received on an internal repair receipt with a Repair Price of 5 USD, the system inserts a new cost record for the part into the R5FIFO table valued at 5 USD.

      Bin - Specify the bin number storing the part.

      Lot - Specify the lot number or batch of the part.

    • The SHOWLOT installation parameter determines whether lots are used for stock information for parts. The default setting for SHOWLOT is Y. If SHOWLOT is set to N, the system disables Lot.

    • If parts were assigned from more than one lot in the assigned repair details, the system creates a line on the receipt for each lot associated with each line on the order. For example, if the work order contains a line with a quantity of 3 for which there are 3 different lots assigned in the assigned repair details for the work order, the system creates three lines with a quantity of 1 for each line. The system calculates the Outstanding Qty. as each line is added and then applies it to the Qty. Assigned for that lot in all stores and bins. The system then groups the assignments by lot, takes the assigned records sorts, them by store and then by bin.

      Receipt Qty. - Specify the quantity of the part received for repair.

      Scrapped Qty. - Specify the quantity of the part to be scrapped rather than repaired.

      The sum of the values entered for Receipt Qty. and Scrapped Qty. must be greater than 0; however, their sum cannot exceed the value of Outstanding Qty.

  5. Click Submit.

    The system updates the internal repair receipt record with the part details. The system also creates a transaction of type RECV (goods received) for the parts on the receipt.