Transferring parts without requisitions - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Transfer parts from store to store without requisitioning them. Parts transferred using the Quick Store-to-Store Transfer form never achieve in-transit status. Since this tracking feature is not used for this type of transfer, store-to-store transfers should be reserved for very quick material movements. Quantities available both in the sending and receiving warehouses are adjusted immediately after the system saves the transaction.

When you transfer parts from store-to-store, the system creates a stock record for the transferred part in the receiving store for which the price type defaults to the price type of the receiving store. By default, the price type for a store is defined by the PRICELEV installation parameter; however, you can modify the price type for each store as necessary

Using the Quick Store-to-Store Transfer form, define a transfer header and then add as many part records as there are parts to transfer. Before submitting your transaction, you can edit part records by selecting the part in the Transaction Details list. The system displays the part record in the detail section where you can edit information related to the transfer as necessary.

If you are using multi-organization security, you can only transfer parts between stores without requisitions using the Quick Store-to-Store Transfer form if the stores you are transferring the parts between are in the same organization, if the parts belong to the common organization, and the organizations have the same currency.

To transfer parts without requisitions:

  1. Select Materials > Transactions > Quick Store-to-Store Transfer.

  2. Specify this information:

    Transfer Desc. - Specify a description of the transfer.

    From Store - Specify the store from which to transfer parts.

    If a Default Bin is defined for the From Store, the system populates From Bin with the Default Bin, and the system populates the On Hand Qty. and Core Qty. based on the From Bin. The system will also populate the Bin.

    To Store - Specify the store to which to transfer parts.

  3. Click Add Part.

  4. Specify this information:

    Part - Specify the part to transfer. The system automatically populates From Bin, To Bin, Lot, Price, and On Hand Qty. If the selected Part is core tracked, the system enables Transfer Core Qty. and populates Core Qty. with the number of parts designated as for repair in the From Bin.

    • The value displayed for On Hand Qty. indicates the current quantity of the part that is available for the specified To Bin and Lot, which is equal to the On Hand Qty. minus any quantity of the part that is currently allocated to any work orders.

    • If you delete the From Bin, the system clears Lot and then calculates the On Hand Qty. and Core Qty. for the From Store, which is the sum of the quantities of the part in all the bins in the From Store.

    • The system calculates the Core Qty. as the difference between quantity for repair in the From Bin and the number parts that are assigned on the Repair Parts page of a Repairable Core work order and the number of parts that are currently on External Repair requisitions.

      Condition - Specify the condition if the part is a condition tracked parent part. If the selected part is a condition tracked child part, the system will automatically populate Condition.

      From Bin - Modify the bin from which to transfer the part if necessary. If you modify From Bin, the system removes the part.

      To Bin - Modify the bin to which to transfer the part if necessary. If you modify To Bin, the system removes the part.

      Lot - Modify the lot of the part to transfer if necessary. If you modify Lot, the system removes the part.

      Price - Modify the price of the part to transfer if necessary. If you modify Price, the system removes the part.

      When PRICELEV is set to S, the system automatically populates Price with the base price of the part in the receiving store.

      Asset ID - Specify the code identifying the asset associated with the part to transfer. If the part is tracked by asset, the system enables Asset ID and you must specify an asset ID number for the part before you can specify values for Transfer On Hand Qty. or Transfer Core Qty.

      Transfer On Hand Qty. - Specify the number of parts to transfer from the quantity of the parts available in the From Store.

      If the part is an asset part, you can only transfer one part at a time. The system automatically displays a transfer quantity of "1" for asset parts. On Hand Qty. shows how many parts are available in the store or store, bin, and lot.

      Transfer Core Qty. - Specify the number of parts to transfer from the quantity of the parts designated for repair in the From Store.

    • You can only specify a value for Transfer On Hand Qty. or Transfer Core Qty., but not both. When you specify a value for either Transfer On Hand Qty. or Transfer Core Qty., the system protects the other field.

    • If you specify a Transfer Core Qty., the system clears the From Bin, To Bin, Asset ID, Serial Number, Lot, and Expiration Date, and you must specify values for these fields manually.

    • If a Default Bin is defined for the To Store and you have not specified a value for Transfer Core Qty., the system populates To Bin with the Default Bin.

    • If no Default Bin is defined for the part in the To Store and you have not specified a value for Transfer Core Qty., the system populates To Bin depending on whether more than one bin stock record is defined for the part in the To Store. If more than one bin-stock record is defined for the part in the To Store, the system leaves the To Bin blank. If only one bin-stock record is defined for the part in the To Store, the system populates To Bin with the Bin from the bin-stock record.

  5. Click Add to List.

  6. Click Submit Transaction.

    The system immediately adjusts quantities available in the sending and receiving warehouses.