Associating parts with a manufacturer - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Associate parts with a manufacturer record. If you have multiple parts for one manufacturer, the system allows you to associate each of them with that manufacturer. For each part that you associate with a manufacturer, enter your part code and the manufacturer’s part code. The system will automatically cross-reference the manufacturer’s part codes with your part codes based on the information you provide.

To associate parts with a manufacturer:

  1. Select Materials > Setup > Manufacturers.

  2. Select the manufacturer for which to associate parts, and then click the Parts tab.

  3. Click Add Part.

  4. Specify this information:

    Part - Specify your part code. The system automatically populates the part description and Part Org.

    Condition - Specify the condition if the part is a condition tracked parent part. If the selected part is a condition tracked child part, the system will automatically populate Condition.

    Manufacturer Part Number - Specify the manufacturer part code

    Out of Service - Select if you do not want the system to display the manufacturer part number in the manufacturer part number lookups.

    Drawing Number - Specify the drawing code if a drawing of the part is available.

    Documoto Book ID - Specify a specific Documoto Book with which to associate the manufacturer.

    Documoto Part ID - Specify a unique Documoto part number.

  5. Click Submit. Add additional parts as necessary.

    • To delete a part from the Parts list, select the part to delete from the list, and then click Delete Part.

    • The system does not delete the record if the manufacturer and the manufacturer part number are selected on the Stores page of the Parts form as the Primary Manufacturer or Primary Manufacturer Part Number.