Entering actual energy consumption information for equipment - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Enter details related to the actual energy consumption levels for equipment that are flagged as GAS Tracked. The energy consumption information is recorded to track the actual energy usage levels maintained during a given time period while operating equipment using specific types of energy commodities, such as electricity, gas, etc.

  1. Select one of these options:

    • Equipment > Assets

    • Equipment > Positions

    • Equipment > Systems

  2. Select the equipment for which to add actual consumption, and then click the Actual Consumption tab. Reading Date is automatically populated with the current date.

    If you clear Reading Date, Actual Usage UOM and Actual Consumption UOM are automatically cleared.

  3. Specify this information:

    Commodity - Specify the commodity to associate with the actual consumption reading. Actual Consumption UOM is populated from the selected Commodity and the Actual Usage UOM from the Design Usage UOM on the Design Consumption page. See Designing energy consumption for equipment.

    When the Commodity is updated for the actual consumption reading, Actual Consumption UOM, Actual Usage UOM, and Actual Consumption Rate UOM are automatically populated by searching for a date range on the Design Consumption page.

    Actual Consumption - Specify the actual energy consumed.

    If Utility Bill Level is not selected for the equipment on the Record View page, you must specify a value for Actual Consumption. If Utility Bill Level is selected, the actual consumption from the utility bill is used when generating the asset sustainability calculations.

    Actual Usage - Specify the actual usage. This indicates the amount time that was used to consume the value specified for Actual Consumption.

    Load Factor - Specify the load factor for this actual consumption record, overriding the default value defined on the Design Consumption page.

  4. Click Save Record.