Defining systems - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Define your organization’s systems as equipment.

To define systems:

  1. Select Equipment > Systems.

  2. Click New Record.

  3. Specify the Organization, System and a description, Department, Type, and Operational Status.

    Equipment cannot be made operational if regulatory items exist with repairs needed. The checklist items for the equipment must have a resolution of Repair Completed or Temporary Repair with a Follow-up WO-Activity or Deferred Maintenance.

  4. Specify this information:

    Loaned to Department - Specify the department to which the system has been loaned.

    PM WO Department - Specify the department responsible for the PM work order.

    If the Department for the PM Schedules and Maintenance patterns work orders are blank, the PM WO Department will be used to generate works orders. Otherwise, the Department will be used.

    Status - The system defaults the Status to Installed, and this value cannot be changed. Specify the Equipment Details.

  5. Specify the Class, Category, Cost Code, Profile, System Level, Assembly Level, and Component Level.

    If you specify a category for which calibration data has been defined, the system copies the calibration and test point data to the system.

  6. Specify this information:

    Production - Select this check box if the system is used in production.

    Safety - Select this check box to observe safety precautions when working with this system.

    Out of Service - Select this check box if the system is not used.

    Prevent WO Completion - Select this check box to indicate that work orders for this system should not be closed.

    Current Workspace - Optionally, specify the current workspace of the system.

    Assigned To - Specify the person responsible for the system.

    Meter Unit - Specify the system’s primary unit of measure.

    Criticality - Select a criticality code to indicate the relative importance of the system to the overall production of goods or services for your organization.

    Dormant Start - Specify the date on which the dormant period for any PM work orders for the equipment begins.

    Dormant End - Specify the date on which the dormant period for any PM work orders for the equipment ends.

    Reuse Dormant Period - Select to use the same specified dormant period for any PM work orders for the equipment on an annual basis.

    cGMP - Select this check box to indicate that the equipment is subject to cGMP standards.

    Sold/Scrap Date - Specify the date on which the asset is sold or scrapped. Specify the following Tracking Details:

    Documoto Book ID - Specify a specific Documoto Book with which to associate the part.

    Track Resources - Select this check box to track the resources directly related to this equipment.

    Set - Specify a set of equipment to associate with the system.

    Set Position - Specify the position of the set of equipment.

  7. Specify the Original Receipt Date, Latest Receipt Date, Original Install date, and Latest Install Date.

  8. Optionally, specify this information:

    Checklist Filter - Select the checklist filter.

    Size for Tolerance - Specify the size tolerance for the system.

    Temperature Monitored - Select this check box if the equipment has temperature monitoring capabilities.

  9. Specify the Manufacturer, Serial Number, Model, and Revision.

  10. Optionally, specify the Hardware Version, Software Version, Purchasing Asset ID, Biomedical Asset ID, UMDNS Code, OEM Site / System ID, Vendor, and Coverage Type.

  11. Specify the variables of the system.

  12. Specify the Calendar Group, Minimum Penalty, and Penalty Factor.

  13. Select the Service Delivery Matrix check box to restrict work orders for this equipment to a pre-defined service delivery matrix.

  14. Specify the Location and RCM Level.

  15. Specify the Equipment Length, Equip. Length UOM, Linear Ref. UOM, Ref. Precision, Geographical Ref., Inspection Direction, Linear Cost Weight, and Flow.

    The Equipment Length Override check box will be selected if the specified Equipment Length is different than the length calculated based on the From Point and To Point.

  16. Specify the Cost of Needed Repairs, Replacement Value, Estimated Revenue, Region, Primary Use, Year Built, and Service Life (years).

    The values of the FCI details should be specified based on the planning budget and investment figures from a third party audit.

  17. Specify this information:

    Facility Condition Index - Specify the resultant FCI based on the maintenance details. Cost of Needed Repairs/Current Replacement Value=FCI

    Floor Area - Specify the floor area, and then specify the unit of measure for the floor area.

  18. Select the Utility Bill Level check box to mark the asset as having capabilities to record utility bills.

  19. Select the Gas Tracked check box to set the equipment as GAS (Global Asset Sustainability) Tracked.

    If data exists on the Design Consumption or Actual Consumption tabs, the equipment must remain as GAS Tracked.

  20. Specify the Lock Reliability Ranking Values to lock the reliability ranking values for the equipment on the Ranking Survey tab of the Equipment screen.

    If Lock Reliability Ranking Values is selected, the system will not allow the user to modify the reliability survey answers and calculate reliability ranking values for the equipment. The system also prevents the selection of equipment for update on the Batch Update Equipment Ranking Values form.

  21. Specify this information:

    Reliability Ranking - Specify the reliability ranking code for the equipment. The system automatically populates Reliability Ranking Index, Reliability Ranking Score, Reliability Ranking Values Out of Sync, Reliability Ranking Values Last Calculated, Reliability Survey Last Updated, and Reliability Ranking Setup Last Updated, after answering the reliability survey.

    Correction Condition Score - Specify the correction to the condition score.

    Correction Reason - Specify the reason for the correction of the condition score.

    Correction Date - Specify the date at which the correction of the condition score takes effect.

    Correction Usage - Specify the usage at which the correction of the condition score takes effect. This field is required if the Correction Condition Score and Meter Unit fields are not blank.

    Service Life Usage - Specify the service life of the equipment based on its usage.

  22. Specify this information:

    Vehicle Type - Specify the vehicle type.

    Vehicle Status - Specify the status of the vehicle.

    Rental Template - Specify the template used for the rental reservation.

    Contract Equipment - Select the check box if the asset is contract equipment.

    Contract Template - Specify the template used for the contract.

    Customer - Specify the rental customer.

    Availability Status - Specify the availability of the system.

    Issued To - Specify to whom the system is issued.

    Reservation Calendar Owners List - Specify the approval list for the Reservation Calendar Owner.

    Reservation Calendar Owner - Specify the reservation calendar owner who can edit equipment reservations.

    Reservable Equipment - Select this check box if the system can be reserved.

  23. Optionally, specify this information:

    Lockout/Tagout - Select this check box if the system equipment complies with OSHA regulations on lockout/tagout procedures. This regulation ensures machines are properly shut down and that they do not start again until service or maintenance on the machine is completed.

    Personal Protective Equipment - Select this check box if OSHA requires the use of personal protective equipment when operating the equipment to reduce exposure to hazards or injury.

    Confined Space - Select this check box if the equipment is located in an area defined as a confined space as per OSHA regulations.

    Statement of Conditions - Select this check box to indicate the system relates to the Statement of Conditions as required by The Joint Commission.

    Building Maintenance Program - Select this check box to indicate the system equipment is inventoried in the building maintenance program.

    HIPAA Confidentiality - Select this check box to indicate the system equipment contains confidential patient health information and the equipment must comply with regulations.

  24. Specify the Ownership Type, Inventory Verification Date, Equipment Value, Purchase Order #, Purchase Date, Purchase Cost, and Disposal Type.

  25. Click Save Record.

    • Equipment Configuration, Equipment Configuration Org., and Equipment Configuration Revision are automatically populated.

    • If a review has been performed on the Safety tab, the system automatically populates Safety Date Review Required and Safety Reviewed By. If a review has been performed on the Permits tab, the system automatically populates Permit Date Review Required and Permit Reviewed By.

    • If a review has been performed on the LOTO tab, the system automatically populates LOTO Date Review Required and LOTO Reviewed By.