Defining sales prices for customer contracts - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Define sales prices for specific entities on a customer contract. Use the sales prices defined here for sales transactions on the customer contract. Sales prices can be defined for specific entities Parts, Tasks, PM Schedules, Standard Work Orders and Service Problem Codes to create invoice lines using a fixed sales price rather than use the actual work order costs tracked by the system, like part issues, time sheets, tool costs, etc.

To define sales prices for customer contracts:

  1. Select Work > Contract Management > Customer Contracts.

  2. Select the customer contract for which to define sales prices, and then click the Sales Prices tab.

  3. Click Add Sales Price.

  4. Specify this information:

    Entity - Select the entity for which to define sales prices. Choose from the following list of entities:

    • Parts

    • Tasks

    • PM Schedules

    • Standard work order

    • Service problem codes

      Code - Specify the code for the entity.

      Organization - Specify the organization of the selected code.

      Sales Price - Specify the sales price to specify for the selected entity.

      Store - Select the store of the entity.

      Condition - Specify the condition if the entity is a part that is a condition tracked parent part. If the selected entity for the part is a condition tracked child part, Condition is automatically populated.

  5. Click Submit.