Defining contract items for customer contracts - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Define contract items and details for customer contracts. Contract items consist of equipment, projects, or work orders to include on the customer contract. A contract may have many items associated.

To define contract items for customer contracts:

  1. Select Work > Contract Management > Customer Contracts.

  2. Select the customer contract for which to define contract items, and then click the Contract Items tab.

  3. Click Add Contract Item.

  4. Specify this information:

    Equipment - Specify the equipment to include on the customer contract. The system automatically populates Equipment Org.

    Project - Specify the project to include on the customer contract.

    Project Budget - Specify the project budget to include on the customer contract.

    Work Order - Specify the work order to include on the customer contract.

    Customer - Specify the customer. This can be the customer associated to the contract on the header or any of the children of that customer. The system automatically populates Customer Org.

    Invoicing Org. - Specify the invoicing organization that will collect the charges for this contract item.

    Tax Code - Specify the tax rate to be applied to the cost of the contract item.

    Contract Template - Specify the contract template for the selected project, project budget, work order, or equipment. The system automatically populates Contract Template Org.

    Use this feature to define charge definitions specifically for this contract item if they are different from the other contract items.

    Invoicing Description - Specify a description that will be printed on the invoice.

    Use Fixed Exchange Rate - Select to use fixed exchange rates for the contract item when Invoicing Currency and the currency of the Invoicing Org. differ. The system defaults the exchange rate with the current active exchange rate where the base currency is the Invoicing Org.'s currency and the foreign currency is the Invoicing Currency.

    Exchange Rate - Specify the exchange rate for the currency. The system will use this rate if the invoicing currency is different from the invoicing organization currency.

    Usage Quantity - Specify the usage quantity of the contract item to be used on the customer contract invoice.

    UOM - Specify the unit of measure of the usage quantity of the contract item.

    Sales Price - Specify the sales price of the equipment.

    Exercise Option - Select to exercise the equipment sales options specified on this form.

    Exercise Date - Specify the date for which to exercise the equipment sales options.

    Sales Tax Code - Specify the sales tax code of the equipment.

    Equipment Status After Sale - Select the status of the equipment after the automatic invoice generation process is complete and the equipment is sold.

  5. Click Submit.

    • To translate the invoicing description, select a record, and then click Translate Invoicing Description. View and edit the translated descriptions.

    • To reset all charge definitions referenced with the contract items for the current contract revision, click Reset All Charge Definitions.

    • To reset the charge definitions for a particular contract item for this contract revision only, select the contract item record for which to reset charge definitions, and then click Reset Charge Definitions.

    • To refresh all tax codes for all contract items for the current contract revision, click Reset All Tax Codes.

    • To refresh all contract templates for all contract items for the current contract revision, click Reset All Contract Templates.

    • To reset the selected contract item for this contract revision only, click Reset Contract Template.