Creating deferred maintenance - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Create deferred maintenance when a maintenance activity you want to defer has not been added to a work order. The deferred maintenance can be assigned to a work order when there is adequate availability on the equipment for the deferred activity to be completed.

To create deferred maintenance:

  1. Select Work > WO Planning > Deferred Maintenance.

  2. Click New Record. The system automatically populates Deferred Maintenance No., Status, Deferred By, People Required, Duration (Days) and Task Qty.

  3. Specify this information:

    Organization - Specify the organization to which the work order belongs if you use multi-organization security.

    Activity Note - Specify a description of the maintenance activity to defer.

    Equipment - Specify the equipment for which to defer maintenance. The system automatically populates the adjacent field with the equipment's description, Equipment Type, and Equipment Org.

    Status - Choose one of the following options:

    • Unassigned - Select to create the deferred maintenance.

    • Assigned - Select to assign the deferred maintenance to a specific work order.

    • Cancelled - Select to cancel the deferred maintenance.

  4. Specify this Deferred Maintenance details information:

    Task Plan - Specify the task code for the deferred maintenance. The system automatically populates Task Plan Revision, UOM (field adjacent to Task Plan Qty.) and Trade for the task, as well as People Required, Reason for Repair, Work Accomplished, Technician Part Failure, Manufacturer, System Level, Assembly Level, and Component Level if you use the American Trucking Association's Vehicle Maintenance Reporting System (VRMS).

    Task Plan Qty. - Specify the required number of units of the task plan to associate with the deferred maintenance, and then select the unit of measure for the Task Plan Qty. in the adjacent field. For example, a work order activity to pave 100 miles of highway today will indicate a Task Plan Qty. of "100" and a unit of measure of "Miles", whereas the same task on another day might indicate only 80 miles due to the steep inclines of the stretch of highway being paved on that day.

    Material List - Specify the code identifying the material list that contains the parts needed for the deferred maintenance. The system automatically populates Material List Revision.

    Trade - Specify the trade required to perform the deferred maintenance.

    People Required - Specify the number of people required to perform the deferred maintenance.

    Duration (Days) - Specify the estimated number of days needed to complete the deferred maintenance.

    Estimated Hours - Specify the estimated number of hours needed to complete the deferred maintenance.

    Estimated Hours must be less than or equal to People Required times 24 times Duration (Days).

    Specify this information only if you use the American Trucking Association’s Vehicle Maintenance Reporting System (VMRS):

    The system will copy the VMRS-related information you enter on this form to the work order to which the deferred maintenance is assigned.

    Reason For Repair - Specify the reason the vehicle needs repair (Code Key 14).

    Work Accomplished - Specify the work performed on the vehicle (Code Key 15).

    Technician Part Failure - Specify the reason the technician or supplier thinks the vehicle failed (Code Key 18).

    Manufacturer - Specify the Manufacturer/Supplier Code (Code Key 34) to associate with the vehicle.

    System Level - Specify the VMRS code identifying the system, e.g., brakes, frame, suspension, needing repair (Code Key 31).

    Assembly Level - Specify the VMRS code identifying the subsystem needing repair (Code Key 32). The values available are based on the system-level code.

    Component Level - Specify the VMRS code identifying the specific component or part needing repair (Code Key 33). The values available are based on a combination of the system-level code and the assembly-level code.

    Hired Labor - Select to indicate that the deferred maintenance will be completed by an external source.

    Labor Type - Select the type of labor needed if you selected Hired Labor.

    Supplier - Specify the supplier for the deferred maintenance. The system automatically populates Supplier Org.

  5. Specify this information:

    Activity Comments - Enter comments or instructions for the deferred maintenance.

    Work Order - Specify when ready to assign the deferred maintenance to a new work order.

  6. Click Save Record.