Planning parts for task plans - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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Plan the parts required to complete a task plan, or to complete specific jobs on a task plan. You may associate the parts to the task plan by populating an existing material list on the Record View page of the Task Plan form, or by directly entering the parts required on this tab.

The SHOWJOB installation parameter must be set to YES and Planning Level for the task plan must be set to Job Plan to plan at the job level.

The Enabled for Enhanced Planning check box must be selected for the task plan to use this tab.

It is impossible to create planning records for the task plan and to create planning records for a job on that same task plan. Planning can be done at one level or the other, but not both.

To plan parts for task plans:

  1. Select Work > WO Planning > Task Plans.

  2. Select the task plan for which to plan parts, and then click the Plan Parts tab.

  3. Click Add Part Line.

  4. Specify this information:

    Part - Specify the part to add to the task plan. The part description, Part Org., Long Description, UOM, Primary Manufacturer, and Primary Manufacturer Part Number are automatically populated.

    Condition - Specify the condition if the part is a condition tracked parent part.

    Quantity - Specify the quantity of the part required to complete the job or task plan.

    Planned Source - Select the planned source for supplying the part, e.g., enter Stock if the part will be supplied from the stock inventory.

    Line Number - Specify the line number for the part on the task plan.

    Equipment - Specify the equipment required to complete the job or task plan. Equipment Org., Equipment Type, Primary Manufacturer, and Primary Manufacturer Part Number are automatically populated.

  5. Optionally, select the Reserve check box to reserve this part for the material list of the task plan when this material list is requested on a new task plan.

  6. Optionally, select the Critical check box to indicate the part is critical to all task plan jobs requiring the material list.

  7. Click Save Record.