Understanding calibration loops - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Help - Hexagon


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A loop is a series of one or more instruments. Typically, the individual instruments in a loop are not calibrated; the loop is calibrated as one unit. Therefore, you must be able to measure the output of a loop whenever you apply a known standard as the loop’s input.

Designate an instrument as a loop on the Calibration tab of the equipment record. See Defining calibration test point data.

Depending on your system configuration, the system may not display Loop on the Calibration tab of the Categories, Assets, Positions, or Systems forms. Contact your system administrator for more information.

Link instruments to the loop equipment through parent-child relationships in a hierarchy. All instruments in a loop must be linked directly as children of the loop equipment in an equipment hierarchy. See Creating equipment hierarchies.

Within the equipment hierarchy of the loop, designate the parent equipment as a Loop and designate the child equipment in the loop as an Instrument on the Calibration tab of the equipment record. See Defining calibration test point data.

If you create a calibration work order for a loop, the loop is displayed on the work order header, and the test points defined on the loop are copied to the work order. When calibrating loops, the calibration standard is often applied to the input loop instrument. The reading is then taken at the output loop instrument. The system creates test points on the work order for instruments in the loop that are defined as type Reading taken from. See Entering calibration results.