Equipment screens - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Equipment Rankings

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

The Assets, Positions and Systems screens have these important attributes related to Equipment Rankings in the Facility Details section of the screen:

  1. Facility Condition Index - This index is a fraction between 0 and 1. You can enter it manually or the system can automatically assign this value based on a related Equipment Ranking of type "Facility Condition Index".

  2. Service Life (years) - This field must be entered if the equipment uses a condition index protocol based on age. Note that rather than entering this for each equipment individually, you can also enter this value for a whole class or category of equipment on the Equipment Class Definitions screen.

    The Reliability Ranking Details section is so called because the only Equipment Ranking that can be selected here must be of type "Reliability Index". To avoid any doubt and be crystal clear, the Reliability Ranking reference on this screen is indeed a reference to an Equipment Ranking.

    The Reliability Ranking Details section has these important attributes:

  3. Reliability Ranking - Enter the desired Equipment Ranking of type "Reliability Index" here. If the equipment already has two or more ranking records of this type associated on the Rankings tab, or if there is only one associated, but Default is not selected for this record, this field will be protected on this screen.

  4. Lock Reliability Ranking Values - If selected this field will protect Reliability Ranking and will also lock the related record on the Rankings tab. Locking will prevent the recalculation of the Reliability Ranking Index and the Reliability Ranking Score.

  5. Reliability Ranking Score - The numerical score for the equipment. Determined by the answers to the survey questions and the formulas that transform these answers into a score.

  6. Reliability Ranking Index - Once the score is determined, the index is also defined. See the Ranks tab of the Equipment Ranking screen.

  7. Remaining fields:

    1. Reliability Ranking Values Out of Sync - Indicates that the score and index were calculated before the Ranking Survey or the Equipment Ranking setup was last updated.

    2. Reliability Ranking Values Last Calculated - Last time the score and index were calculated for the selected Reliability Ranking.

    3. Reliability Survey Last Updated - Last time the Ranking Survey was updated. This only shows manual updates. It does not show automatic updates based on calculated questions.

    4. Reliability Ranking Setup Last Updated - Last time the setup data for the selected Equipment Ranking was updated.

    5. Ranking Calculation Error - Indicates that one or more equipment ranking records of the equipment had problems calculating the score and index during the nightly batch job (CALCRANK – Calculate Ranking Scores). This is not limited to the Reliability Ranking on this screen. This indicator can be used to quickly find all equipment with calculation errors.

      The Reliability Ranking Details section also holds fields that will show the calculated score and index of an Equipment Ranking of type "Condition Index", "Criticality Index" or "Risk Priority Index" providing such a ranking is associated to the equipment on the Rankings tab.

  8. Condition Score - The numerical score for the condition of the equipment. Determined by the selected condition protocol and answers to the survey questions and the formulas that transform these answers into a score for the ranking of type "Condition Index" associated to the equipment.

  9. Condition Index - Once the condition score is determined, the index is also defined by this ranking. See the Rankings tab of the Equipment Ranking screen.

  10. Risk Priority Score - This field, that is in the RCM Details section of the screen, is populated as follows:

    1. By the entered data on the RCM tab, but only if the RCM Level field is also populated on the equipment screen.

    2. Or, if RCM Level is blank, determined by the answers to the survey questions and the formulas that transform these answers into a score for the ranking of type "Risk Priority Index" associated to the equipment.

  11. Risk Priority Index - This index is determined by the system and is based on the Risk Priority Score providing it was calculated by a ranking of type "Risk Priority Index". The index will be updated even if RCM Level is not blank. Note that the index in that case may not reflect the value of Risk Priority Score since this value is determined by the RCM tab now.

  12. Criticality Score - The numerical score for the criticality of the equipment. Determined by the answers and formulas that transform these answers into a score for the ranking of type "Criticality Index" associated to the equipment.

  13. Criticality - Once the criticality score is determined, the criticality is also defined by this ranking. See the Rankings tab of the Equipment Ranking screen.

    This field, that is in the Equipment Details section of the screen, is an optional field. A manually selected value for the equipment will be overwritten by the calculated value. If you do not want this, make sure you do not associate a ranking of type "Criticality Index" to the equipment.

    And the following fields are all related to the condition score calculation performed by rankings of type "Condition Index":

  14. Correction Condition Score - This field is used by all condition protocols except the "Condition Index" protocol. If you enter a value here the system will "replace" the calculated score with this correction score. The easiest way to explain is with this example. The equipment condition protocol is age based and we expect the equipment to live 20 years. The condition score goes from 1 (perfect condition at the beginning of life) to 5 (end of life condition). After 10 years the normal procedure would calculate a condition score of 1 + (5 - 1) / 20 * 10 = 3. However, after inspecting the equipment you believe it is in much better shape and the condition score should be a 2 instead. You can enter that 2 here and the system will then start counting from there instead of the original 3. So, after one more year the condition score will be 2.2 instead of 3.2.

  15. Correction Reason - Enter the reason for the correction. System Codes entity "CORE".

  16. Correction Date - Enter the date on which the correction takes place. This may be a date in the future.

  17. Correction Usage - Enter the usage on which the correction takes place. This may be a usage in the future. Note that this field must only be entered if Meter Unit is also populated.

  18. End of Useful Life - Populated automatically if the system can determine when the condition score threshold will be reached by the equipment.

  19. Remaining Useful Life (years) - Calculated automatically using End of Useful Life.

  20. Service Life Usage - This field must be entered if the equipment uses a condition index protocol based on usage. Note that rather than entering this for each equipment individually, you can also enter this value for a whole class or category of equipment on the Equipment Class Definitions screen.

    The Assets, Positions and Systems screens additionally have this button:

  21. Calculate Ranking Values - This button will recalculate all Equipment Rankings associated to the equipment on the Rankings tab.

    1. All ranking records on the Rankings tab will be recalculated and refreshed, unless the record is locked, or the system encounters an error. Note that in such case the system will stop processing the record with the lock or the error but will continue processing any remaining rankings until all are calculated. Also note that if multiple errors were found the system will only report the last one.

    2. Results for the selected Reliability Ranking on this screen will also be refreshed.

    3. Depending on the attached equipment rankings that were processed this may also influence Condition Index, Condition Score, Facility Condition Index, Criticality, Criticality Score, Risk Priority Index, and the Risk Priority Number on this screen. And if a Condition Score was calculated and a Correction Score Ranking is also attached to the equipment this may also influence the correction score related fields like Correction Condition Score, Correction Reason, Correction Date, and Correction Usage.