The capital planner or the operations manager must consider many factors when selecting candidates for replacement, including maintenance costs (planned and unplanned), energy costs, carbon emission costs, etc. The Equipment Evaluation screen of HxGN EAM is the starting point to enter specific information regarding potential new equipment and to specify the type of equipment being considered for replacement.
There are four basic areas to the Equipment Evaluation screen:
The Potential Equipment Details section includes entry of the acquisition, installation, and salvage costs and the projected maintenance (planned and unplanned) costs. Several fields are used for identification or information only, such as Manufacturer and Model Number.
Other fields are used in the calculations of acquisition costs, such as Return on Investment, projected Annual PM Cost, projected Annual Non-PM Cost, Estimated Cost of Materials, Estimated Cost of Labor, and Estimated Salvage Value.
The source of this information would likely be vendor proposals, specifications, etc.
An additional field to be entered is the Cost of CO2e per UOM. This is a value that reflects the cost of CO2e emissions as of a point-in-time, such as today. This cost will be applied to emissions produced by both the existing equipment as well as the new equipment.
The Energy Consumption Details section is where projected energy consumption details for each energy source (Commodity) required to power the potential new equipment are entered. Note that most operations will utilize a single commodity as an energy source, such as electricity. However, if needed, up to five energy sources may be entered. Each commodity must have its associated Design Usage Unit of Measure (UOM) specified as well as the Design Consumption Rate.
The source of the Commodity-1 (Electricity or Natural Gas, etc.) and its associated UOM (protected), Design Usage UOM-1, and Design Consumption Rate-1 and its associated UOM ratio (protected) would likely be vendor specifications.
For example, assume the following:
The new equipment consumes the commodity Electricity to power its operation.
Electricity has been defined in HxGN EAM (via the Commodity screen) as ELEC.
The UOM for ELEC has been defined as megawatt-hours (MWH).
The vendor states that to power this new equipment requires 0.045 megawatts of electricity per day.
To complete the Energy Consumption Details section, you would:
select ELEC from the Commodity-1 dropdown list (MWH is automatically entered as the UOM);
select DAY from the Design Usage UOM-1 dropdown list; and
enter 0.045 as the Design Consumption Rate-1 (MWH/DAY is automatically entered as entered as the UOM ratio).
The Selection Criteria Details section is where you may specify the characteristics (even as specific as the manufacturer and model number) of the equipment being considered for replacement. In other words, the equipment selected for your consideration to be evaluated will be only the equipment that matches the selection criteria.
These criteria details include Manufacturer, Model Number, Class, Category, Equipment Type, Equipment Status, GAS Tracked, Include Out of Service, and Include Withdrawn.
Note that if the equipment selected is not GAS Tracked, the Cost Analysis will be performed only on the planned and unplanned maintenance costs. Energy costs and carbon emissions will not be factored.
The Default Values for Capital Planning Request section is useful if you planned to create a Capital Planning Request after the evaluation process. The fields are all optional and include Priority, Major Group, Group, Individual, and Additional Information.
When the Create/Refresh Equipment List button is clicked the following occurs:
Any records in the Equipment Equivalency tab with Evaluation Status of Not Evaluated are deleted. This would be the case if you have returned to the Equipment Evaluations screen and made changes in the selection criteria. It does not apply to new Equipment Evaluations.
System populates the Equipment Equivalency tab with each unit of equipment that satisfies the query, except for the following:
If DEPTSEC is set to ON, then filtering may be applied.
Any equipment already in the Equipment Equivalency tab with a Status of Equivalent or Not Equivalent (from a previous query) will remain and will not be overwritten or deleted.
The system repopulates the Custom Fields with Custom Fields values for all equipment in the grid.
The system will open the Equipment Equivalency tab.