Repositories for Enterprise Search - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Enterprise Search

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

Once the interest centers have been setup, user navigates to the Repositories tab to map the screens and tabs to be included in the search. For example, the interest center WORK can have the Work Order Activities, Work Order Parts, Service Requests, Work Orders, Employees, Employee Availability, etc.

This is a list detail tab used to specify the various repositories to be grouped under the interest center. Fields on this tab are:

Fields on this tab


Table Name

This is the table name in the database. R5EVENTS will be selected in our case as an example.


This is the name of the repository.

Table Name: User Function

his lookup shows the screen names in the system. It is critical to match the table name and user function to make the search more meaningful. WSJOBS will be selected in in our case as an example.

Tab Name

If the selected user function (screen) has tabs associated, then those tabs will display in the tab name lookup. Since the selected screen is the work order screen, the tab name lookup will show all the tabs related to the work order screen. The activities tab has been selected as an example.


This field can be used to associate a hyperlinked image to a repository. Thumbnail must begin with “http://” or “//” or “\\” or “https://”.

All the other fields are protected and are populated based on the table name and user function.

The following are populated from the Table Name:

  • Date Created Column

  • Date Updated Column

  • Org. Column

  • Table Prefix

If the selected user function is a popup, then the Popup checkbox will be checked by the system.

The WORK interest center will have the following repositories:

The PARTS interest center will have the following repositories