Design decisions - HxGN EAM - - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Digital Work for Transactions

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version
  • When the user submits a transaction, the system issues the part to the work order – activity from the store specified in the header. This is like the Issue actions performed either on the Work Order > Parts tab or the Issue Returns parts screen.

  • If issuing a track by asset part to a MEC work order, the user must un-hide the Equipment field in the header because this field must have a valid value for this scenario. Alternatively, the user can set the organization option WOCSTMEC to WO – this sets the equipment field to WO Header so that the user is not forced to manually pick an equipment. This issues the track by asset part to the WO Header equipment if a MEC work order.

  • If a multiple equipment work order (i.e., Multiple Equipment is checked), the Equipment field will be required on the header so, the Equipment field must be unhidden for this scenario as well.