Print Issue Transaction report - HxGN EAM - - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Digital Work for Transactions

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

Before moving on to the digital work screen, a new report has been developed in base to enhance the user experience for this screen. This report aims to print bar codes of the Parts the user wishes to issue to the work order. The premise of this report is that the user has a preplanned list of parts allocated to be issued to a specific Work Order - Activity. This preplanned list can either be Reserved (on the Work Order > Parts tab) or belong to a Pick Ticket.

When the user prints this report, they can either choose to print all the preplanned parts (Reserved + Pick Ticket) for the Work Order – Activity, or choose to print the Pick Tickets only by filling the Pick Ticket in the report parameters page.

For optimal use of this report – it is assumed that:

  • If the part exists in multiple Bin-lot combinations for the selected store, a Default Bin must be specified for this part at the store level on the Parts > Stores tab. Only then, will the report print bar codes for the Part, Bin, and Lot fields. This is similar behavior when using the Issue-Returns parts screen, wherein the user must manually fill the bin and lot for the part (if populated from the Pick Ticket or Reserved items list) and the part happens to exist in multiple bins, with no default bin specified.

  • If the part exists in only one Bin-(multiple Lot) combination for the selected store, the bar codes will print.