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HxGN EAM Databridge Pro Release Notes for 24.2.0

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Release Notes/Bulletin
HxGN EAM Version

The following is a list of enhancements that are included with this release of Databridge Pro.



Default Admin User

A default Admin User ID and Password is now provided for each tenant of Dataflow Studio. This default login information will be used for the initial access and setup of Dataflow Studio. Upon the first log in, the system will require the password to be changed and ask for a valid email address to associate with the default admin account.

The default Admin User ID and Password will also be available for existing tenants, should they choose to use it.

Service Account User

A restricted Service Account user can now be created for Inbound Messages API authentication. This Service Account user will be blocked from system login and canvas access. Upon creation, a User ID will automatically be generated. This User ID and the password defined can be used for Inbound Messages API authorization credentials. This restricted Service Account user reduces the need to use standard, unrestricted user credentials for API authorization. 

A maximum of 3 Service Account records can be created within a tenant.

User Management

User records can now be assigned either an "Admin" or "Basic" role in Dataflow Studio. The Admin role allows access to the User Management functionality within the tenant, while the Basic role does not have access to this functionality. This update provides flexibility within a tenant by allowing multiple users to be given Admin-level access if needed.

User Management

User ID concept has been added to Dataflow Studio. For standard user records, which are not system-generated, the email address will serve as the User ID for the account. System-generated user records (i.e. default admin user and service account records) will have separate User IDs, in addition to a provided email address. User ID will now be required within the Log In and Forgot Password flows, instead of email address.

User Management

User records can now be updated within Dataflow Studio. Role can be modified for standard user records, changing between Basic or Admin role. While, email address can be modified for the default admin user and service account user records.

Email address cannot be modified for standard users.

User Management

User Management email templates and password link validity periods have been updated to accommodate various scenarios, including new users added and password reset flows.

Log In

User Lock functionality has been added to the Log In flow. After multiple failed attempts to login, the system will lock the user out of Dataflow Studio for a period of time before allowing login retries.


Template functionality has been removed from Dataflow Studio. Instead, users can now utilize flow definition functionality to share flows between tenants. Flow definition provides better management and ease-of use, as well as supports associated controller services and contexts for defined flows. Flow definition files are created from the context menu, whether for an individual Process Group or an entire canvas view. Upload a flow definition files within the Add Process Group window.

Existing templates will not be compatible with flow definition functionality. Any desired “template” will need to be recreated through the flow definition creation.