Scheduling data extracts - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs

HxGN EAM Data Extracts with Infor Data Lake

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

Data Lake Upload Setup > Schedule tab

The Schedules screen for the Data Lake Upload Setup is the first step in sourcing or extracting data from EAM to be imported to Infor® Data Lake to create advanced reports and perform analytical assessments.

In EAM, select Administration > Data Lake > Data Lake Upload Setup.

The Schedule tab includes these fields:

  • Description (Short Description): A short description, up to 80 characters, for the schedule.

  • Schedule Description: A long description for the schedule.

  • Frequency: How often the schedule will run per time increment (selected Frequency UOM). Values from a minimum of one extract per hour up to five years is supported. Fractional values are not supported.

  • Frequency UOM: The time increment associated with the Frequency. Select Hours, Days, Weeks, Months, or Years.

The value for Schedule ID is automatically populated with a sequential number.

By default, the Schedule Status is set to "Waiting." This value is set by the utility that executes each scheduled extract.

This table shows the values for the Schedule Status:




The schedule is "Active" and there is a Next Run value or the schedule is marked "Inactive."

In Queue

When the job is put in queue to be run.

In Progress

While the job task is running.

If the schedule has a Schedule Status of "In Progress" or "In Queue", updates or deletions to the extract content are not allowed, and all fields are protected on the Schedule tab.

Note: It may happen due to data volume or environment performance that a Data Lake schedule remains at a Schedule Status of "In Progress", appearing unresponsive. In this scenario, the user will be able to click the Reset Schedule button and the system will reset the status of the schedule from "In Progress" (INPR) to "Waiting" (INAC) and save the record. The Reset Schedule button is delivered as Hidden.