Defining equipment for GIS features defined prior to integration - HxGN EAM - 12.0.1 - Administration & Configuration

HxGN EAM Configuration for GIS

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Administration & Configuration
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If you are integrating GIS and HxGN EAM for the first time, move multiple GIS features to EAM through data collection.

Every GIS feature for which you create a corresponding EAM equipment record must have a GISOBJID number. The GISOBJID number links each GIS map feature to an equipment record in EAM.

If you need to integrate a GIS feature with EAM that does not have a GISOBJID field for its layer, you must manually create the field. After you manually create the GISOBJID field for each layer you need to integrate with EAM, you should also:

  • Manually enter a GISOBJID number for each feature within the layer. All GISOBJID numbers that you manually create must be less than 100,000,000 to avoid duplicate GISOBJID numbers with the GISOBJID numbers generated by EAM.

  • Add the UPDATE_COUNT column to each layer's attribute table. The UPDATE_COUNT column is for tracking updates to the feature record for efficient attribute synchronization.

Note that there are several requirements related to case sensitivity for these columns, which differ depending on which GIS application and/or version of HxGN EAM GIS is being used:

  • For users of ArcMap; including all versions the HxGN EAM GIS toolbar, lower-case field names for the GISOBJID and UPDATE_COUNT fields are not supported. In addition, any alias defined for these fields must match the field name exactly.

  • For users of ArcGIS Pro; with the HxGN EAM GIS Add-In prior to the 12.0.1 version, lower-case field names for the GISOBJID and UPDATE_COUNT fields are also not supported. As with ArcMap, field aliases must also exactly match their respective field names for both GISOBJID and UPDATE_COUNT fields.

  • For users of ArcGIS Pro; with the HxGN EAM GIS Add-In beginning with the 12.0.1 version, the fieldname for the GISOBJID field may be defined using either entirely uppercase or entirely lowercase characters, as either ‘GISOBJID’ or ‘gisobjid’ (i.e., camel case/mixed case such as ‘GiSoBjID’ or similar is not supported). In this scenario also, only aliases of either ‘GISOBJID’ or ‘gisobjid’, and either ‘UPDATE_COUNT’ or ‘update_count’, are supported for those key fields.