Labor costs - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Compatible Units

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HxGN EAM Version

Labor Costs for each compatible units library labor record of the CU estimate are calculated by multiplying the quantity of compatible units specified on the estimate, by the CU standard rate and hours required from the labor record. However, if a Rate Override was specified for the compatible units library labor record, then that rate is considered instead of the CU standard rate. In addition, should a supplier be specified for the compatible units library record (or for the work point to which the compatible unit is associated), then a supplier-specific rate for the trade of the labor record is preferentially considered over a Rate Override (or CU standard rate) during the estimation process associated to labor costs, if one exists. If a labor adjustment is specified for the compatible unit, the calculated labor cost is also factored by the value of the adjustment field for the labor adjustment. When multiple labor records exist for a single compatible units library record (i.e. if labor from more than one trade or standard crew is required for the compatible units library record); the costs associated to each of these labor records are summed together to show the total Labor Costs for the compatible unit.

Depending on the value of the CUESREMV Org. option, costs calculation may also be performed for compatible units associated to a CU estimate with an action type of ‘Remove’ even when no specific labor record has been specified for a remove action within the compatible units library record. When a value is specified for CUESREMV, this value is divided by 100, and then multiplied by the costs that would be associated with a labor record of action type as ‘Install’. In this way, removal costs are roughly determined as a percentage of installation cost. For example, a CUESREMV value of 50 applied for the removal of a compatible unit that would have otherwise generated a labor cost of $500 according to an ‘Install’ action, would result in a labor cost of $250. Similar functionality is also provided for compatible units associated to a CU estimate with an action type of ‘Transfer’ through the CUESTRFR Org. option.

It is expected that values for the CUESREMV Org. option would generally fall between 1-100, though valid values are permitted to fall between 1-999. It is expected that values for CUESTRFR Org. option would generally be greater than 100, though valid values for this Org. option also fall between 1-999.