Key terms - HxGN EAM - 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Compatible Units

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HxGN EAM Version

Familiarity with the following key terms is helpful for users in discussing or considering Compatible Units features:



Compatible Units Library record

refers to the standard templates used to estimate routine, capital work and construction projects. Compatible unit library records describe various combinations of labor, parts and materials, tools, and external services; and may be grouped together with other compatible units library records (Child CUs) to describe more complex hierarchical relationships. Compatible units library records are the "building blocks" of the compatible units estimation process.

CU Design Project

refers to the designation of a project record to be used for compatible units estimation process. A CU Design project may be associated with any number of CU estimates (i.e. design versions) which represent different ways of achieving the same outcome.

CU Estimate

refers to the combination of one or more work points and compatible units library records, detailing the components of the work to be performed for a capital, construction or design project. The work components include any combination of labor, parts and materials, tools, and external services that contribute to the work, and will be used to generate a total estimated cost for the work to be performed.

Work Point

refers to a specific location at which work described by a compatible units library record is takes place.


refers to a type of work point, for which work occurs over a linear length/distance rather than a single specific point. For example, a trench that is dug to contain underground pipes could be represented by a ‘span’ work point.

CU Standard Rate/CU Standard Price

refers to a specified rate (or price) to be considered for compatible units estimation only. This rate/price might vary from other hourly rates for the resource or other prices for the part.

Standard Crews

refers to a specific crew structure/makeup. This optional field may be specified (in addition to Trade) for labor and services records of compatible units; and in such case, a valid CU Standard Rate for the standard crew (if one exists) will be applied when determining cost details for CU estimates, as opposed to the CU Standard Rate for the specified Trade.