Aspects – Tolerances tab - HxGN EAM - Version 11.07.01 - Feature Briefs - Hexagon

HxGN EAM Checklists

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Feature Briefs
HxGN EAM Version

On this tab, you can enter tolerances for measurements entered for checklist items where Type is ‘Nonconformity Measurement.’ This tab also supports defining the list of Severity codes that can be selected for checklist items where Type is ‘Nonconformity Check.’

The Aspects – Tolerances tab screen has the following important attributes:

  1. Organization—Aspect does not have an Organization field and therefore, to support different tolerances per Organization, the field was added on this tab. You can only select specific Organizations that are consistent with the Work Order screen.

  2. Measurement—If selected, this record becomes a ‘true’ tolerances record and From Value, To Value, and UOM become required entries and the record is used by checklist items where Type is ‘Nonconformity Measurement.’ Otherwise, if unselected, the same fields become protected, and the record is used for the setup of checklist items where Type is ‘Nonconformity Check.’

  3. From Value—Enter the low end of the tolerance range.

  4. To Value—Enter the high end of the tolerance range.

  5. UOM—Enter the UOM associated to the tolerance you just specified. This UOM should match the one you use on the checklist item setup (Task Plans – Checklist tab).

  6. Create Nonconformity— If selected, and this tolerance record is found during checklist entry, the system will default the checklist item to create a nonconformity and set Nonconformity to selected on the Checklist tab of the Work Order screen. Otherwise, OK is selected.

    If the system searches for tolerance records and cannot find one, it will assume the measurement is within the norm and select OK.

  7. Nonconformity Type—If entered, and this tolerance record is found during checklist entry, the system will default the Nonconformity Type on the checklist item.

  8. Severity—If entered, and this tolerance record is found during checklist entry, the system will default the Severity on the checklist item.

    For tolerance records where Measurement is unselected, this field must be entered. Even though it is not required by the system, it is needed to determine the buttons that are displayed on the Mobile device for checklist items where Type is ‘Nonconformity Check.’

  9. The following fields support ‘grouping’ tolerance records together making them applicable for certain checklist items and equipment only.

    • Point Type—Tolerance is relevant only for checklist items with the same Point Type.

    • Class—Tolerance is relevant only for equipment with the same Class.

    • Category—Tolerance is relevant only for equipment with the same Category.

    • From Equipment Size—Tolerance is relevant only for equipment with a Size for Tolerance greater or equal the entered From Equipment Size. If this field is left blank any equipment of any size will satisfy this selection criteria.

    • To Equipment Size—Tolerance is relevant only for equipment with a Size for Tolerance less or equal the entered To Equipment Size. If this field is left blank, any equipment of any size will satisfy this selection criteria.

      If Size for Tolerance on the equipment is left blank the system will only search for tolerance records where both From Equipment Size and To Equipment Size are blank.

  10. Mobile Button Sequence—Enter the sequence in which the Severity buttons will appear on the Mobile device.

  • The Mobile device supports a maximum of 3 buttons for Severity for checklist items of Type ‘Nonconformity Measurement’ or ‘Nonconformity Check’. If you configure 3 or less Severities on this tab, the Mobile device will show these Severities as buttons in the sequence as defined in the Mobile Button Sequence field. If more than 3 Severities are configured the buttons will be replaced with a lookup. Sequence then becomes less relevant.

  • The system verifies duplicates and overlap of tolerance records, but if using the Form Equipment Size and To Equipment Size fields it is possible to enter an overlapping From Value and To Value combination. For example, if you have a tolerance record from 2 to 3 for an equipment size from 5 to 10, you can enter a similar record for an equipment size from 3 to 15. If the user enters 2.5 on the checklist item for this aspect, the system will find both tolerance records and will decide at random which one to apply.